Thursday, January 31, 2008

sneak peek

sneak peek
Originally uploaded by coquet's cache
Here's a peek at what's next. I've decided to go ahead and just make two at a time. If I don't happen to sell the second one, it will make a nice gift for a nice apronista in my life.

Not my Mom. Nope, not goin' there.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by coquet's cache
a whole pile of the stuff i need in one place!! let's see...

coffee, handbag, handmade apron, disney princesses, and pink accessories i.e. my pink umbrella....

do you think it's dangerous having the whole of my cache in one place?

Monday, January 28, 2008


Originally uploaded by coquet's cache
Super nice suprise today: this tote was featured on and that totally floats my boat.

Thanks Lynds @ *pst. you are in my cache now*

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Originally uploaded by Hambone and Jennicakes
heck o heck! we just don't find thrifted stuff like this around here. we find alot of junky junk.

Also, in other news, I requested tickets for the Marth Show that invites knitters to bring their knitting. cross your digits that I get two tickets!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

hawaii hello kitty

ee gads this is the cutest hello kitty gif EVER!! I think I'm getting a little more hello-kitty fabulous every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Originally uploaded by coquet's cache
this is worth every penny of the 1500.00 asking price but I am currently having trouble drumming up 15.00 into one pile. So, I will gaze and dream and take cues from the colors for my sewing projects. =) thanks milty.

Monday, January 21, 2008

tender as a nursing mother

Over at One More Moore this really took me back to the 80's. I spent them nursing, changing, and generally having a blast with my 4 babies.

No sooner would one child be pottie trained, then I would be nesting, and poised to deliver the next. All four were natural births, uneventful childhoods, until my youngest turned 4.

Now my daughters are very young adults. My son's aren't anywhere near having children yet. So, I wait. I sew for my baby cousin in South Beach, and it's no secret that I'm practicing for grand babies. And hopefully, when my kids have their own kids, they will feel as blessed and enriched by nursing as I did when I nursed them.

WDW dreamin'

It will be 9 months until we go to Orlando. The time will fly up until around August. Hopefully I will have made enough money to pay for the trip by then.

We're budgeting and hoping for the best. This week we will make best case and worst case scenario plans. Best = fly, parks, shows etc. Worst = drive, bbq at the timeshare, beer at the pool. And if I get to hang out in Orlando for a week by the heated pool, drinking bud and eating grilled hot dogs and burgers, then there's really no down side here.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Kenmore touch n sew 768 ala Geico-style

Kenmore touch n sew 768
Originally uploaded by coquet's cache
this post will proceed in the same manner as a Geico commercial:

*Pam is a real person, so we've hired Donna Summer to tell her story*

me: my kenmore touch n sew was my first sewing machine. i got it from ebay for a great price.

Donna Summer: She works hard for the money, sooo hard for it honey!

me: the only concern i have is that it is a little loud when it sews sometimes

Donna Summer: yea, it's sewing really loud, really really really loud on the radio-ooo-oo on the radio (sparkle of the disco ball gleams off her super glossy lip gloss)

me: all in all I love her. I've finished shopping for machines. This is my last one.

Donna Summer: (music gets louder and she starts dancing funky) Laast Chaannnccee for LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why do I do it?

After goofing up my pattern pieces today, a little voice in my head said the usual stuff: You moron. This is obviously too difficult for you. Why do you always do this?

But then .... I only heard those words once, for a few moments and then the voice stopped because actually alot of people mess up when they're sewing without a pattern. And.. I realized I can find a way to deal with the problem with a positive outcome after all.

Today, the path WILL NOT become the obsticle. The path will simply take an unexpected turn and then resume along it's merry way.

project runway 4 episode 8

wait. one. minute.

So, Kevin is aut but Ricky is still in???? that seals it. the producers just want the drama mama's to win despite obvious lack of talent.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Shabby 'Pink Bike n Bluebirds' Vintage Sign

since i have worked more than crafted this week, this post will pertain mainly to my job. the new job, at a mansion on a riverbank in connecticut. and frankly, i've gone terribly soft b/c my other per diem job is comparitively non-demanding.

this past week, i went to work with an upper resp. thingie and of course, i got my butt kicked. royally.

with that said....there are many positives to remember. the 'facility' is a lovely place to work, if one must work. so far, the staff have been professional and gracious. co-incidentally i have worked in the past with more of then than i haven't. the pay is competative. the residents are well.... vintage. and most importantly, the head honcho's are competant. or so it seems.

it's good to be back.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

snow queen

snow queen
Originally uploaded by coquet's cache
we had warm, shining hard-wood floors all through out the house. my sister and i used to sit on them, with crayons and coloring books, listening to The Snow Queen on LP, while my Mom sewed on her Singer in the next room. good times......

i found this from a seller in australia and got it for a mere 24 bux. now, all i need is a record player.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New room

New room
Originally uploaded by anaidpatch
this is a little corner of Tilda paradise! The shades of pink, and the stencils on the walls and paint can are so darling i can't stand it. lover-ly Diana!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

mm retro apron front

mm retro apron front
Originally uploaded by coquet's cache
went to see my Mama today. she liked my apron. actually, i WORE it over there, and first words she said were 'oh that's really cute!' but when i tried to give it to her she said:

'no no, i already have way too much stuff.'

may the lord strike me dead on the spot if i ever refuse a handmade gift from one of my children. EVER.

i guess i'm just foolish for being suprised or hurt. i mean, it's just an apron. she isn't herself. and.. that means i can either keep it or give it to my Cara Mia.

mom and child book

mom and child book
Originally uploaded by coquet's cache
i'm going thru with it. yes, ebay, i am ready to try the terrible japanese pattern book, complete with 55 different patterns (in metric and japanese) for clothes, purses and crafts.

they say that the most important steps for sewing happen before you ever take the first stitch, and I agree:
sharp scissors, check
plenty of tracing paper, check
tylenol, check
camomile tea, check
big box of tissues, check
pint of bourbon, check.

all set = )

Thursday, January 03, 2008


been sewing all day, bent over the ironing board, cutting, sewing at the machine with my shoulders and neck in a bunch (iknow, iknow, i try to remember to R E L A X but sometimes i fo-git) and now i have to stop for the night.

i wish it was done NOW because i want to wear it, or maybe even give it to my Mama. she used to enjoy aprons. she actually used to wear one of the snapped front kind that resembles a smock every day. she wore them until they fell apart. same as her hand sewn house dresses. one summer she whipped up 8 of them within a few days. she had a metal heavy-duty singer, with a knee pedal. it was the only material thing she really treasured.

*sigh* she was fun back then. now it's different, and i know she can't really help it, but the thing is that NOW we could be doing so much together if only she wasn't so very ill.

tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer, and i will finish my apron and go see her for a bit.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

banana bread pie from Jane's Apron blog

Banana Bread Pie

2 very ripe bananas

1/2 cup biscuit mix (like Bisquick)

2 large eggs

1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk

1 Tbsp. butter; melted

1 tsp vanilla

Place bananas in a large mixing bowl and mash with an electric mixer until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until well blended. Pour the mixture into a 9 in pie place and bake at 400 for 25-30 minutes. The pie should be caramelized on the edges but still a little soft in the center.

this sounds too good. thanks Jane's Apron *her blog is in my Cache*

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Originally uploaded by sunshine loves you
just far FAR too much cuteness going on here! Hehe! What a pretty blanket that must have been. Great little dress now.

This inspires me to make a summer dress from the thrifted tablecloth I just got.

What's the story?

During the past 46 years, I've lived in Connecticut. I've traveled up and around the U.S. and to Puerto Rico, and loved every minute. I've had 4 children who are now fantastically talented adult artists and comedians. I've been married and then divorced and then engaged and then single and finally *big sigh* content. I've grown into a darn good nurse, cook, seamstress, and Mom.

Maybe one of these days I'll get this 'writing' thing down, too.

About Me

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I am where I do and am not where I don't. Not what I was or will be, just 'me'.

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  • cookbooks
  • offbeat music
  • vintage household items
