Saturday, July 12, 2008

housenumber4 update

Back in May I saw a 4 bedroom house in New London. Now, the listing had been showing up in my searches for the home, but I discounted it over and over again, until one day..........

I took a chance and saw it. My realtor and I had trouble finding it because it's on a somewhat secluded 1 way street. (bonus) It turned out to be a remodeled federal with hard woods, new tilt out windows, gas heat and a fireplace. Oh and off street parking too. (bonus bonus bonus bonus)

So I bid. The bank said it was such a low bid they wouldn't condescend to reply. I walked away and saw a few more houses.

Well.... This past Monday the bank decided to drop the price of the house from 150k to 132,8something. I resubmitted my bid, they counter offered a great price, and I accepted.


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What's the story?

During the past 46 years, I've lived in Connecticut. I've traveled up and around the U.S. and to Puerto Rico, and loved every minute. I've had 4 children who are now fantastically talented adult artists and comedians. I've been married and then divorced and then engaged and then single and finally *big sigh* content. I've grown into a darn good nurse, cook, seamstress, and Mom.

Maybe one of these days I'll get this 'writing' thing down, too.

About Me

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I am where I do and am not where I don't. Not what I was or will be, just 'me'.

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  • cookbooks
  • offbeat music
  • vintage household items
