Saturday, February 09, 2008

new beginning

During the spring/summer of 2002 I worked in a nursing home that was going through reconstruction and remodeling. Trust me when I say I was not a slouch, nor was I a newbie. Bottom line is that when I worked there, I was coming home and crawling into bed at 6:30 pm every night because of the stress to body and mind.

Fast forward to Mrrch 2007. Unemployed again, but working per diem part time. It has taken me until now, February 2008 to find a perm. position, but find one I did indeed. In the same place. (one of the doctors who worked there long ago nicknamed it 'the porthole to hell'. Heh.) Not sure who was more despirate, me or the facility. I held out for the pay I wanted and got it, plus the place is closer to home.

Surely I will post again about this new job, and complain and rant and still feel horrible but at least for a few days I feel relieved to know there will be steady income and health INSURANCE.

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What's the story?

During the past 46 years, I've lived in Connecticut. I've traveled up and around the U.S. and to Puerto Rico, and loved every minute. I've had 4 children who are now fantastically talented adult artists and comedians. I've been married and then divorced and then engaged and then single and finally *big sigh* content. I've grown into a darn good nurse, cook, seamstress, and Mom.

Maybe one of these days I'll get this 'writing' thing down, too.

About Me

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I am where I do and am not where I don't. Not what I was or will be, just 'me'.

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  • cookbooks
  • offbeat music
  • vintage household items
