been a while..
well, I am currently addicted to and games on including Fishville Farmville Farmtown and Island Paradise. I just like to play, nothing too competative, and I don't need to be at the top levels any time soon. It's amazing how seriously people take these things.
there is so much to do in a day I can't really devote alot of it to any one thing. between normal chores, work, helping my Mom, helping the kids, bible study, and then crafts, i just can't be on my lap top for hours planting and selling and feeding and watering.
that's why I'm starting a REAL outdoor garden this year. haha. because i have so little time! however, the truth is I can't afford this mortgage and the repairs that want to get done so it's worth it to give up some tv and free time to grow as much produce as possible.
cuz dang tomatoes are expensive!
also, I'm going to do the wdw Wine and Dine 1/2 Marathon in disney this October. Registration is 135.00 and then I will have the other costs for the trip so I need to 'dig up' 600 bucks for that. the Couch to 5K program is helping me get from a couch potato to someone who can actually run for short distances, which is technically all you need to get through the 13 miles and not be swept off the course for lagging behind.
here we go. 2010 is going to be gooooooood!